Kangen Nihh!!!

Kangen banget !!! Beberapa hari ini ngerasa sepi banget, g bisa ketawa cuma cemberut terus !!!! G tahu kenapa .. cuma cemberut jadi BeTe BanGET ??
Ditulis Oleh Riyadi, Wednesday, July 25, 2007 8:22:00 AM | 0 comments |

Semester 3 Menanti

Udah satu bulan lebih g masuk kuliah. Sepi n jenuh rasanya g bisa belajar di kampus. He he he.. Guuuuayane???? Hasil Ujian Akhir Semester juga udah turun kemarin..tapi sayang banget harus ada yang g lulus.:(:(:(Aku berpikir seandainya semua mahasiswa bisa masuk di semester 3 ini pasti g da yang harus sedih n kecewa...Tapi....................mungkin itu yang terbaik buat mereka...aku juga yakin kalo mereka pasti dapet yang jauh lebih baik dari pada ini...Amin...:):)n untuk yang lum bisa lanjut jangan sedih n kecewa te2p semangat tuk hadapi hari esok...Ada pepatah bilang..."Kegagalan adalah keberhasilan yang tertunda"..jadi te2p semangat buat maju esok hari..N Met juga bagi temen2 yang lu2s...jadi kita bisa belajar bareng kayak dulu..Ayo masuk kuliah dengan power n semangat yang New...Jangan males2 n te2p semangat!!!:):):):)


Ditulis Oleh Riyadi, Friday, July 20, 2007 9:48:00 AM | 0 comments |

Idioms Inggris – using the word ‘play’

Idioms today with the word ‘play’ in them. The first idiom is ‘play ball’. We use this idioms if we want to say that someone is co-operating or helping, even though a little unwillingly perhaps.

‘Steve agreed to play ball even though he wasn't really happy about it. He agreed to help with organizing the big surprise for his father.’

The second idiom using ‘play’ is ‘play with fire’. If we say someone is playing with fire we mean that they are being a bit silly and that if they are not very careful they will get into trouble, maybe even serious trouble.

‘I told Richard that he was playing with fire. If he continued to lie about the money then he would only get into worse trouble and maybe even jail.’

So there you are, two new and easy to use Idioms that you are sure to hear if you are in Australia. Remember however that there are hundreds of idioms. To learn them all is impossible – even I don't know them ALL. But if you listen carefully and learn quite a few then listening will certainly be easier for you in Oz.

‘play ball’ — ‘bekerja sama’

‘playing with fire’ — ‘bermain api’

Sumber: http://www.kangguru.org/idioms.htm#id39


Ditulis Oleh Riyadi, Thursday, July 05, 2007 1:15:00 PM | 1 comments |